Easy Smoothie Detox Recipes for a Nutritious Breakfast

Easy Smoothie Detox Recipes for a Nutritious Breakfast
Do you know that breakfast is the most important meals of the day?

By starting your day with a healthy high protein breakfast, you jump start your metabolism, provide your body with the energy it needs, and ward off cravings for simple, high calorie carbohydrates.

In fact, studies show that those who eat breakfast lose more weight than those who skip this important meal. Smoothies can also be created to help you rid your body from unwanted toxins and substances.

However, sometimes it is difficult to cook a healthy breakfast, get the kids ready for school, and make it to work on time. There isn't anywhere written that a healthy breakfast must take a lot of time to prepare. One of the best breakfasts you could ever drink is a high protein breakfast or detox smoothie.

Below are several favorite recipes you can prepare that you and your family will love. If you are trying to lose weight, replacing one or two meals with one of these smoothies will also help you shed those unwanted pounds.

Basically, you will need several basic ingredients, then you just throw in whatever fresh fruits and veggies that are available in your refrigerator. If possible, buy as many fruits and veggies from your local farmer's market. This will ensure that you are getting the highest nutrients because produce purchased at farmer's market are in season and aren't shipped from way across the country.

Here are several smoothie breakfast favorites for detoxing that can be found in the book Smoothies for Life by Daniella Chace and Maureen Keane. You can find many more smoothie recipes to blend your way to better health in this book.

For all the recipes below, combine all ingredients and smooth in blender or food processor. Add to glasses and serve. For added protein, you can add a meal replacement protein powder, like Trader Joes.

Sweet and Sour

This is a powerful blend of antioxidants that protect your liver from toxin-induced free radicals.

1 orange, peeled and seeded 1 lime, peeled and seeded 1/2 peach, pitted and peeled 1/2 nectarine, pitted and peeled 1/2 cup ice

Silymarin (see label for recommended dosage)

Short Sea Freeze

This smoothie contains chlorella, a sea algae that is used for detoxification of heavy metals.
1 cup rice milk 1/2 cup flavored nonfat frozen yogurt 1 teaspoon chlorella 200 mg vitamin C powder

Purple Shake

This smoothie contains all the vitamins necessary to detox the body from homocysteine, a protein that is toxic to the cell walls of arteries.

1 cup 100% purple grape juice 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1/2 cup orange juice 1 frozen banana, cut into pieces 1 tablespoon brewer's yeast

Remember, you can replace any of the fruits listed with your own favorites and make a wide variety of smoothie creations.